Saturday, August 25, 2012

Survival Activity

        Over the past two days we completed a survival activity.  We rated, by ourselves, 11 items in order from most important to least important if we were to be in a plane crash and land in Northern Canada where it is very cold.  We then then collaborated with a group and then ranked the items again.  Then we saw the whole class's rankings and then we calculated some statistics on all of the data we had.  Then we learned how an expert on survival ranked the items.  Finally, we calculated the absolute value difference of our own rankings to the army ranger rankings.  Then did the same thing with our group's rankings and the army ranger's rankings.
        I predict that my group would have had a good chance at survival. I think this because the mean of our absolute value difference of 4.18.  Considering the highest the mean of the absolute value difference could have been was 10.00, we would have had about a 59% chance of surviving.
        I predict that i would have had a good chance at surviving.  I predict this because the mean of my absolute value difference was 4.00.   Considering the highest the mean of the absolute value difference could have been was 10.00, we would have had about a 60% chance of surviving.

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