Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winter Experiment Project Blog Entry #3 (Reflection)

One thing that I learned from the experiment is you get more out of the experiment if you have multiple treatments.  If I were to re-design the experiment, then I would add more factors to make there be more treatments.  Another thing that I learned from the experiment is that it is important to have multiple trials for each treatment so that you can take an average of those values to get a more accurate result.  That goes along with the replication principle in a well-designed experiment.  If i were to make this change, I would also incorporate more blocking into the experiment, since blocking would be more easily used when you have more treatments.  In my experiment, I used control in a good way.  I thought that having a good control group helped make the results clearer and more accurate.  Therefore, I think that it is very important to have a good control in your experiment and I think that in any future experiments that I conduct, I will make sure that there is a good control to help my results.  

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